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This post is about quadratic function . First of all in quadratics equation x has highest power two , therefore it has two solution.  In this worksheet questions are  given in completing square form. A quadratic function is one of the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are numbers […]

Quadratic inequalities

This post is about,   to find solution of  quadratic inequalities. Therefore , it provide set of values of x. First of all we need to see sign of inequality wether positive or negative, then define solution.   Quadratic Inequality    


First of all this  post consists of questions of factorisation of quadratic equation. The method use to find solutions are  splitting middle term and another method is  formula . We also find the nature of roots of equation. The method is use to find nature is discriminant (D= b2-4ac). Discriminant is also used in formula […]

Completing Square

Completing the Square is to solve a quadratic equation by changing the form of the equation so that the left side is a perfect square trinomial. Completing the square is a technique for converting a quadratic polynomial of the form  ax2 + bx + c to a(x-b)2+c. Hence this method is used to convert. Similarly […]


First of all this  post consists of questions of factorisation of quadratics . The method use to find solutions are  splitting middle term and another method is  formula . We also find the nature of roots of equation. The method is use to find nature is discriminant (D= b2-4ac). Discriminant is also used in formula […]

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