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Equation of tangent and normal of transc...

The Equation of Tangents and Normals, If you differentiate the equation of a curve, you will get a formula for the gradient of the curve. Are you working to find the equation of a tangent line (or normal line) in Calculus? The derivative of a function at a point is the slope of the tangent line at this point. The normal line is defined as the line that is perpendicular to […]

Maxima and minima

A high point of curve  is called a maxima. A low point is called a minima.  In the Curve only one global maxima or  minima exists , while more than one  local maximum or minimum. Due to curve turn on these point are called local. Hence these point also called stationary points. Maxima and minima

Maxima and minima

Maximum and Minima of Points of Inflection. The value f ‘(x) is the gradient at any point but often we want to find the Turning or Stationary Point (Maximum and Minimum points) or Point of Inflection These happen where the gradient is zero, f ‘(x) = 0. Critical Points include Turning points and Points where f ‘ (x) does not exist. […]

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