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Domain and Range of Function

Domain and range of functions are an important concept .  Domain  values define on x – axis  and Range is values on y- axis in the graph. Due to these values of functions, continuity of function defined. Another use of domain to show function defined. While range defined minimum and maximum value of function.   […]

Inverse of function

Inverse  of functions is  an important concept .  Domain  values and Range  values gets interchange . Due to these values of functions, continuity of function also change.  Graph of inverse function also change and become y-axis oriented. Therefore graph of inverse is reflection of function graph about y = x.   Inverse of Function

Rational and Reciprocal functions

A rational functions is a function of the form f(x)=p(x)/q(x), where p(x) and  q(x) are polynomials and q(x)≠0 ,q(x)≠0 . The domain of a rational function consists of all the real numbers x=0 except those for which the denominator is x= 0 . reciprocal for a number x, denoted by 1/x or x −1, is a number which when multiplied by x yields the multiplicative identity, 1.. The […]


This post is about  worksheet of polynomials . This worksheet consist question of finding roots of polynomial. There are two types of solution of polynomial , one algebraic and another graphic.  Because of method two type of questions are there, one equation and another graph based. Due to graphic question  calculator allowed. Polynomials

Double angle Identity

Double‐Angle and Half‐Angle Identities. Because sin x is positive, angle x must be in the first or second quadrant. The sign of cos 2 x will depend on the size of angle x. A double–angle function is written, for example, as sin 2θ, cos 2α, or tan 2x, where 2θ, 2α, and 2x are the angle measures and the assumption is that you […]

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