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This post is about  worksheet of polynomials . This worksheet consist question of finding roots of polynomial. There are two types of solution of polynomial , one algebraic and another graphic.  Because of method two type of questions are there, one equation and another graph based. Due to graphic question  calculator allowed. Polynomials

Sequences and series

Sequences are useful in a number of mathematical disciplines due to,  for studying functions, spaces. Mathematical structures using the convergence properties of sequences. In particular, sequences are the basic for series, which are important in differential equations and analysis.   sequence and series

Binomial Theorem

Binomial theorems is another ways of expansion of two terms.  Another way it is generalised form of expansion. Due to expansion of two term it is binomial. “What are the binomial coefficients?” . It shows how to calculate the coefficients in the expansion of (a + b) n. The symbol for a binomial coefficient nCr. As well as pascal […]

Logarithmic Expression

Logarithmic Expressions are simplify by Rules or Laws of Logarithms and solve by inverse of exponentiation. It is expressed by using the abbreviation “log”. Because of different base of number log notation are also different. lg for base 10 , ln for base e . Logarithm quotient rule The logarithm of the division of x and y is the difference of logarithm of x […]

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