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Function and Equation

F(x)  represent function. Mostly , functions are portrayed as a set of x/y coordinates. Therefore   y-axis serving as a function of x. When we use function F(x) notation then one is  independent variable and another  dependent variable. Due to this on Y-axis F(x) represent.   Functions

Domain and Range

Domain  represent value of x , while range represented by F(x)  or y function. Mostly , functions are portrayed as a set of x/y coordinates. Therefore   y-axis serving as a function of x. When we use function F(x) notation then one is  independent variable and another  dependent variable. Due to this on Y-axis F(x) represent. Domain and range

Trigonometric Equation

Solving trig equations use both the reference angles and trigonometric identities The general method of solving an equation is to convert it into the form of one ratio only. Then, using these results, hence, we can obtain solutions. Trigonometric equation

Binomial distributions

This post is about binomial distributions. The Binomial distribution has two parameters like  n and p. Due to n and p it is binomial.  these n and p are n and p is the discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n independent experiment. Also we use probability of failure. Binomial  

Vector and vector equation of line

The vector is direction one point to another point. The vector equation of a line is r = a + tb. In this equation, “a” represents position  vector and “b” represents a direction vector  of the line. Moreover “r” represents the vector of any general point on the line and “t” is constant. Hence it is similar to equation of line vector

Normal Distribution

A graphical representation of a normal distributions are sometimes called a bell curve because of its flared shape. The precise shape can vary according to the distribution of the population but the peak is always in the middle and the curve is always symmetrical. In a normal distribution, the mean, mode and median are all the same. The Normal distribution has two […]

Maxima and minima

A high point of curve  is called a maxima. A low point is called a minima.  In the Curve only one global maxima or  minima exists , while more than one  local maximum or minimum. Due to curve turn on these point are called local. Hence these point also called stationary points. Maxima and minima

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