Parametric and Polar Equations , a function with two variables, x and y. In some cases, though it is useful to introduce a third variable, called a parameter, and express x and y in terms of the parameter. Polar equations ,work. Coordinates in polar equations are of the form (r,θ), where r represents radius and θ represents angle. Hence both are same type […]
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Tag: Equation
Conversion of equation polar to rectangu...
This rectangular to polar form conversion converts a number in rectangular form to its equivalent value in polar form. Rectangular forms of numbers take on the format, rectangular number= x + jy, where x and y are numbers. The x is the real number of the expression and the y represents. To Convert from Cartesian to Polar. When we know a point in Cartesian Coordinates (x,y) and we want it in Polar Coordinates […]
Radical equation
A “radical” equation is an equation in which at least one variable expression is stuck inside square root. Furthermore radical equations are one variable equation. So one root. For solving these equations , due to square root in equation , we have to square whole equation and get value of known. Radical equation
Equation of Tangent and Normal
Tangents to a curve are a line that touches the curve at one point and has the same slope as the curve at that point. A normal to a curve is a line perpendicular to a tangent to the curve. Tangent and Normal
Absolute Equation
Solving absolute value equations and inequalities. And represents the distance between a and 0 on a number line. An absolute value equation is an equation that contains an absolute value expression. Has two solutions x = a and x = -a because both numbers are at the distance a from 0. Absolute Equation
Factorisation process we applied bracket to take common term out. Also we apply difference of square of variable. Hence we reduce no of terms in expression. Therefore factorisation and expansion are reverse process. Factorisation
Logarthmic Equation
Logarithms equation can be solved using the properties of logarithms. So equation either are solve by log or exponent. Because both inverse of each other hence are either way exponent or log.In both apply properties of log or exponent. Also we need to factorised to solve. Logarithmic eq
Trigonometric Equation (Radian)
Trigonometric Equation involve one or more trigonometric ratios of unknown angles. Due to difference unit of angle , hence it gives angle in different form. Similarly it give value in radian. Trigonometric equation
Trigonometric Equation(Degree)
Trigonometric Equations involve one or more trigonometric ratios of unknown angles. Due to difference unit of angle , hence it gives angle in two different form. Similarly it give value in degree. Trigonometric Equation
Parametric Equation
An equation with third parametric are called Parametric equations . In this type of equation two variable defines in terms of third variable to form two equation. Third common variable is know as parameter. Due to parameter these equation call parametric equation. Likewise x = f(t) and y = g(t), where t is parameter. Also […]