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Domain and Range of Function

Domain and range of functions are an important concept .  Domain  values define on x – axis  and Range is values on y- axis in the graph. Due to these values of functions, continuity of function defined. Another use of domain to show function defined. While range defined minimum and maximum value of function.   […]

Inverse and Composite function

Inverses and Composites  are two important concept of functions.  Composite function is defined as one function  defined inside another function. Like ff(x)) or f(g(x)) etc. Concept  of inverse is interchange of variables . Inverse notations are f-1(x),g-1(x) etc. Hence interchange is inverse. Therefore function and its inverse is reflection about y = x. Inverse and composite

Inverse and composite function

Inverses and Composite  are two important concept of functions.  Composite function is defined as one function  defined inside another function. Like ff(x)) or f(g(x)) etc. Concept  of inverse is interchange of variables . Inverse notations are f-1(x),g-1(x) etc. Hence interchange is inverse. Therefore function and its inverse is reflection about y = x.   inverse and […]

Inverse of function

Inverse  of functions is  an important concept .  Domain  values and Range  values gets interchange . Due to these values of functions, continuity of function also change.  Graph of inverse function also change and become y-axis oriented. Therefore graph of inverse is reflection of function graph about y = x.   Inverse of Function

Inverse of Function

Inverse  of functions are  an important concept .  Domain  values and Range  values gets interchange . Due to these values of functions, continuity of function also change.  Graph of inverse function also change and become y-axis oriented. Therefore graph of inverse is reflection of function graph about y = x.   Inverse of function

Exponent and Logarithm inverses

The inverse of the exponential function y = ax is x = ay. The logarithmic function y = logax is defined to be equivalent to the exponential equation x = ay. y = logax only under the following conditions: x = ay, a > 0, and a≠1. It is called the logarithmic function with base […]

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