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Trigonometric Identity

trigonometry identities showing that the identity is always true, no matter what value of x or θ is used. Because it has to hold true for all values of x, we cannot simply substitute in a few values of x to “show” that they are equal.  We have to use logical steps to show that one […]

Trigonometric identity

Trig identity is equations that are true for Right Angled Triangles. D1‎: ‎sin 2A+ cos 2A=1 D2‎: ‎1+ tan 2A= sec 2A D3‎: ‎1+ cot 2A= csc 2A Hence trigonometric identities are prove by  above D1,D2 and D3. Similarly also using reciprocal identity. Trigonometric Identity

Trigonometric Identity

Trigonometric identities showing that the identity is always true, no matter what value of x or θ is used. Because it has to hold true for all values of x, we cannot simply substitute in a few values of x to “show” that they are equal.  We have to use logical steps to show that one […]

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