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Binomial Theorem

This post is about binomial expansion of two terms expression. In this post questions are related with expansion of two terms. Find particular term and find coefficient of particular terms. The Binomial Theorem is a quick way  of expanding   a binomial expression that has been raised to some higher  power.   This topic in AS-level , […]


This post is about hyperbola section. Hyperbola basically, a  graph of reciprocal function. It is part of conic section. Normally , it is the part of syllabus of SAT subject test. A hyperbola is an open curve with two branches, the intersection of a plane with both halves of a double cone. The plane does […]


This post is about quadratic function . First of all in quadratics equation x has highest power two , therefore it has two solution.  In this worksheet questions are  given in completing square form. A quadratic function is one of the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are numbers […]

Function-Exponent and logarithm

This post is about Exponential and Logarithm function . These function are inverse to each other.  Therefore graph function are reflection about line y = x . The questions are to change exponent to log and reverse. Exponential and Logarithm P P

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