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Trigonometric Identity

Trigonometric identities showing that the identity is always true, no matter what value of x or θ is used. Because it has to hold true for all values of x, we cannot simply substitute in a few values of x to “show” that they are equal.  We have to use logical steps to show that one […]

Derivative of polynomials

Derivative is product of differentiation.  Differentiation has applications to nearly all quantitative disciplines.  For example, in physics, the derivative of the displacement of a moving body with respect to time is the velocity of the body, and the derivative of velocity with respect to time is acceleration. Therefore  differentiation is process Derivative

Domain and range

Domain  represent values of x , while range represented by F(x)  or y function. Mostly , functions are portrayed as a set of x/y coordinates. Therefore   y-axis serving as a function of x. When we use function F(x) notation then one is  independent variable and another  dependent variable. Due to this on Y-axis F(x) represent. Domain and range

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