Question of normal distribution are from past papers. In this post provide answer of questions are from different paper from May 2013 to May 2023. Hence, students will come to know variety of questions asked in previous year papers. Also it will useful while practice. CIAE
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Category: IB/Cambridge
Consumer spending represents the total amount of private consumption of a household during a specified period. Consumer spending includes all the voluntary purchases of goods and services that a household or an individual makes. When measured on the level of an economy, consumer consumption represents the aggregate level of private consumption, which, ideally, should be equal to the […]
Equation of tangent and normal of transc...
The Equation of Tangents and Normals, If you differentiate the equation of a curve, you will get a formula for the gradient of the curve. Are you working to find the equation of a tangent line (or normal line) in Calculus? The derivative of a function at a point is the slope of the tangent line at this point. The normal line is defined as the line that is perpendicular to […]
Annuities are an investment that provides a series of payments in exchange for an initial lump sum. With this calculator calculate several things The payment that would deplete the fund in a given number of years. The amount needed to generate a specific payment. The number of years your investment will generate payments at your […]
Trigonometric Identity
Worksheet of trigonometric identities . To prove that the left side is equal to the right side. Hence we have to use all six ratio their reciprocal. Also we have to use trigonometric relationship. As well as we use algebraic identity. Trigonometric identity
Compound Angle Identity
Compound angle Identities. An Compound angles are angles which are the algebraic sum of two (or more) angles. also identity form by compound angle . Compound angle identity
Cross Product
Cross Products. A vector has magnitude (how long it is) and direction: Two vectors can be multiplied using the “Cross Product” (also see Dot Product) The Cross Product a × b of two vectors is another vector that is at right angles to both: Cross product
Vector Equation of Line and applications
Sum and Difference identity
Sum or difference of angle is called compound angle. Similarly algebraic sum of two or more angles also called compound angle . Hence it solve . Sum and Difference identity
General solution of trigonometric Equati...
General Solutions of a Trig Equation. From the following diagram we see that sin( π -θ) = sin θ and cos ( -θ) = cos θ. General Solution of trigonometric eq